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Events Calendar

Honors Chocolate Chat: Institution Thinking in Development and Education

Friday, April 07
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
150 MSRB

Every other Friday at noon, Honors students gather in the Maeser Building for an "Honors Chocolate Chat." With real chocolate treats and sponsored by the Honors Student Leadership Council, these informal chats are led by a faculty member about timely, important, and interesting topics. Learn about ongoing research at BYU, discuss critical issues, and engage in Q&A with other Honors students. It’s a chance to talk, connect, and spark interest in a wide variety of topics!

This is a great opportunity to participate in an informal discussion on how we can utilize institutional thinking when we are trying to develop better education systems. Dr. Geo-JaJa is a professor of Economics and International Education here at BYU.

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Honors Program