Wonder of Scripture Lecture: Amy Harris Skip to main content
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Wonder of Scripture Lecture: Amy Harris

Friday, February 07
11:00 AM
3714 HBLL

The Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship is hosting a Wonder of Scripture Lecture Series, every Friday this semester. These lectures feature scholars from across campus and the world will dive deep into scripture and its meaning.

Amy Harris is a professor of history at Brigham Young University and an accredited genealogist. She currently serves as the coordinator of the Family History Bachelor’s Program.

Her research focuses on families, women, and gender in eighteenth-century Britain. Her first book, Siblinghood and Social Relations in Georgian England: Share and Share Alike (Manchester, 2012) used both historical and genealogical methods to explore sibling relationships and their connections to political and social ideas of equality. Her most recent work, Being Single in Georgian England: Families, Households, and the Unmarried (Oxford, 2023) uncovers family dynamics beyond couplehood and parenthood to reveal how unmarried or childless people shaped family life, childrearing, and genealogical practices in the eighteenth century. Her most recent book is Redeeming the Dead for the Maxwell Institute series, Themes in the Doctrine and Covenants (Maxwell Institute and Deseret Book, 2024).
