Wonder of Scripture Lecture: Patrick Mason Skip to main content
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Wonder of Scripture Lecture: Patrick Mason

Friday, February 14
11:00 AM
3714 HBLL

The Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship is hosting a Wonder of Scripture Lecture Series, every Friday this semester. These lectures feature scholars from across campus and the world will dive deep into scripture and its meaning.

Patrick Q. Mason holds the Leonard J. Arrington Chair of Mormon History and Culture at Utah State University and was previously the Howard W. Hunter Chair in Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University.

He has written or edited several books, including Proclaim Peace: The Restoration’s Answer to an Age of Conflict (Maxwell Institute and Deseret Book, 2021); Mormonism and Violence: The Battles of Zion (Cambridge University Press, 2019); What Is Mormonism? A Student's Introduction (Routledge, 2017); Out of Obscurity: Mormonism since 1945, co-edited with John Turner (Oxford University Press, 2016); Directions for Mormon Studies in the Twenty-First Century (University of Utah Press, 2016); and The Mormon Menace: Violence and Anti-Mormonism in the Postbellum South (Oxford University Press, 2011). He was a Fulbright Scholar in Romania in 2015 and is a past president of the Mormon History Association.
