Milktoberfest! Skip to main content
Events Calendar
The Harold B. Lee Library


Thursday, October 04
11:00 AM MT
The Harold B. Lee Library

Milktoberfest, "the holiday for drinking milk and doing homework," returns this year with a new event.

First, at 11:00 am on the main floor of the library, there will be the annual chocolate milk give away.

Second, the library will host a big screen game of Super Smash Brothers in the Alice Louise Reynolds Auditorium (on level one).

Third, students are invited to enter a meme contest where they can win prizes including a projector and gift cards. Post your memes online and use the hastags #Milktoberfest2018 and #hbll to enter.  All entries must be chocolate milk, BYU, or study related. Must be honor code appropriate.