In this presentation, Dr. Ada Ferrer will talk about the centuries-long ties between Cuba and the United States of America, many of which are surprising and sometimes troubling. While the US influenced Cuba, the island also influenced US affairs. This presentation will give students and faculty unexpected insights into Cuban and US history, and, in so doing, help them imagine a new relationship with Cuba, something Dr. Ferrer has striven for all her life, having been born in Cuba and raised in New York City.
Join us in 238 HRCB for Q&A and refreshments; first 50 attendees get an empanada!
Dr. Ferrer will present via Zoom. To join on Zoom, click here
Dr. Ada Ferrer is Julius Silver Professor of History and Latin American and Caribbean History at New York University. Her research has won numerous awards over the years. In addition to articles and book chapters, Dr. Ferrer has published three books: Insurgent Cuba: Race, Freedom, and Revolution, 1868–1898 and Freedom’s Mirror: Cuba and Haiti in the Age of Revolution, plus her latest, Cuba: An American History.